Pre-Writing Activities for Your SLP Personal Statement

Trying to explain in a few hundred words why you want to become a Speech Language Pathologist is not an easy thing. Staring at the blinking cursor on an empty computer screen is likely to drive you crazy! To help get your creative juices flowing, I’ve put together lots of exercises and pre-writing activities for your … Read more

Pro’s and Con’s of SLP Post-Bacc Options

SLP post-bacc certifications, pre-requisites, a 2nd degrees, a leveling program, a three-year masters… WHAT?! There are SO many different options for out-of-fielders to get into the field of Speech Language Pathology that it can feel pretty overwhelming. I’m going to try and break down the advantages and disadvantages of each option. How I figured it out… … Read more

Study Habits of the Top 10% of GRE Test Takers

The GRE is a critical component of most grad school applications, this is especially true for Master´s degrees in Speech Language Pathology. Did you know that there are habits that top-performing students have in common? And no, the habit isn´t a certain preparation program or study manual. To find out the 6 habits of students … Read more

SLP School Interviews

SLP grad school interviews are exciting and terrifying.  Let me share some big tips with you from someone who has been on both sides of the table.  Back when I was applying to graduate school, I did several interviews of my own. And each year, I volunteer to be part of the Fulbright-Garcia Robles selection … Read more

What to Do While Waiting for SLP School Admission Results

Applications are in. You’re anxious to find out the results. Maybe you have coworkers or friends who are asking you that terrible question: “So have you heard from any of the schools you applied to?” to which you answer, “No, nothing yet.” And they respond, “Oh don’t worry! I know you’ll get in!” That nice (and … Read more

Some Advice and Thoughts on SLP School from Treasyri, TheSpeechMentor and SLP

I found Treasyri’s blog  TheSpeechMentor in one of my Google binge sessions in which I read everything (Yes, that’s a hyperbole) on the internet about Speech Language Pathology. I came across a post in which she talks about ways she tried to boost her application to graduate school. I was so excited by the post, that I … Read more

How do SLP Grad Schools Evaluate Applications: 2 Case Studies

You know those people on TheGradCafé forums or Facebook groups that have stellar stats like 4.0 GPA and 168V/160Q on the GRE and they somehow don´t get into grad school? And then you see another case of someone with a 3.2 GPA and 146V/140Q GRE and they get into 3 of their 5 schools? Do you ever wonder how … Read more

What to Do If you Don´t Get into SLP Grad School

What if I don´t get into SLP grad school? It´s a pretty terrifying question that haunts a lot of applicants. I´m in the same boat as I write this! I´m wondering to myself… what if my GPA isn´t high enough? What if my GRE´s scores are good enough? What if my essays aren´t convincing? I´m trying … Read more